Trade fair highlight 13. July 2021

Save time and costs with the smart joining system RevolutionX

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Revolution X
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Controller RX
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Dashboard Software RX
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In the course of Industry 4.0, the complexity in automation is increasing. At the same time, users expect self-explanatory software that enables them to master the complexity in the most time-saving way possible. With the complete system Revolution X (RX) PROMESS has launched an optimized joining system that can be operated intuitively and integrated easily. It is suitable for simple and complex assembly and joining processes.

Revolution X comprises the UFM RX joining mechanics, the RX controller, the RX software, the PDM-S RX digital preamplifier, the power amplifier, and corresponding accessories. The core of the new system is the new RX controller for parallel control of up to four mechanisms and 16 sensors. With a measuring frequency of 2 kHz, assembly processes as well as measuring and testing tasks can be precisely controlled and monitored. Faster program loading times and faster processing of the process data reduce the cycle time. Data evaluation is performed directly in the RX controller where up to 1001 programs and 100,000 process curves can be stored. Transmission to the higher-level PLC is faster than before due to the use of the high-performance real-time Ethernet bus system. The new RX software offers a new, consistent concept with well thought-out user guidance for intuitive operation via web interface. A clearly arranged dashboard provides clear structures and enables the user to start his process immediately. PLC knowledge for the creation of the joining program is not required. During program creation, the user is supported by input validation and an integrated online help. Operation via web interface provides flexible access to the joining system, independent of time, location, operating system or (mobile) device. Times when the software had to be installed on a local computer are a thing of the past. The immediate availability via web browser accelerates commissioning as well as the installation of updates, maintenance and service.